Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New House, New (kind of) Blog!

Ok ok ok! So, I started this blog a year and a half ago. At that time I blogged once, and stopped (so in my mind that doesn't really count). Well, for those of you who don't know, 2011 was a CRAZY year for the Turners. This time last year Matt and I both worked for Kerrville ISD and commuted together everyday. We were both happy there! Well... Matt got a call from the Spurs in February, took the job and started in June (after school got out), THEN I heard about an amazing job opportunity (more on this later) and switched jobs too! To top it all off we started building a new house in August. Our old house didn't sell... and didn't sell... and didn't sell. FINALLY on the day of our final walk through we rented out our old house to a pastor and a nurse! So, on December 23rd (yikes!) we moved into our new home.
Matt loves his job with the Spurs and gets to focus on his passion, customer service. I am teaching 4 5th grade "homeschool" girls in Boerne. I am blessed with more time with Emma and a super short commute. Did I mention that my employers moved over Thanksgiving? (meaning I had to not only pack up and move my entire house, but my classroom too!) I love what I get to do everyday. Teaching amazing girls about not just math and reading, but God and life. I also started tutoring two middle-school boys in math. It keeps me on my toes thinking of new ways to present "old" ideas. :)
Emma is still in "school" three days a week and with each of our parents one day a week. This is the perfect balance for us. We are blessed to have all grandparents within 5 miles of us.
2011 brought many unexpected changes, but we feel like they were all for the better of our family. We will see what 2012 has in store for us (and if I can keep up with this whole blog thing). I must say that with all of the blessings 2011 showered on us 2012 has a lot to live up to!

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