Well, we finally did it. The Turner Family has started blogging. Up until the past few days we were the oldest twenty-somethings on the planet. We had no blog, no facebook accounts, and even had text messaging BLOCKED from our phones. That has all changed (almost... still not on facebook). Matt's phone died earlier this week, forcing us to look into new cell phones... this meant we had to upgrade to a cell phone plan that included data and messaging. We are still trying to figure it all out, but it feels good to re-connect with the world again.
Emma is now 13 1/2 months old. She still refuses to walk on her own, but we are pretty sure that she will take off running as soon as she re-joins her mobile friends as daycare in a few weeks. She now has 8 teeth (4 on top and 4 on bottom), and it seems like there is always another new tooth on the way. She is VERY interested in the world around her. She points at everything and asks "That?" wanting you to tell her what the object is. Sometimes you just have to guess what she is pointing at, but we try to give her correct information.
Matt and I have enjoyed our summer at home together. It has FLOWN by. For those of you who don't know I had my gallbladder removed on June 9th (my second day of summer). So after 2 weeks of recovery, then 2 trips, and then a week of training for me...we feel like summer just started. I only have this week and next week "off" before I have another training and then new teachers report to work on the 10th! Although, I am not a NEW teacher I will be new to Kerrville this year, so I have to go in a few days before Matt to learn all about KISD! Matt and Emma go back to school on the 16th.
Well, I think that is all for now. I am not sure how often I will get to update, but I will try to post as often as I can. Thanks!